Can Truck Drivers Use CBD Oil?

Since CBD oils became exceedingly popular in recent years, these products also drew some attention within the trucking community. 

This is troublesome because truck drivers are subjected to frequent drug screenings, and therefore it’s crucial that the CBD products they consume don’t contain any THC. 

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the main mind-altering psychoactive cannabinoid found in both hemp and cannabis plants, and drug tests generally look for traces of this particular compound.

The risk of using products that contain THC is even greater since FMCSA Clearinghouse regulations were put in effect, which allow the results of drug tests to be available to all trucking companies.

In an effort to protect their employees from accidental THC exposure, most carriers have forbidden the consumption of CBD-based products.

The lack of FDA regulations in the CBD industry has resulted in a lot of false labeling, and some CBD products that were marketed as having 0% THC actually contained this cannabinoid.

Most US states allow CBD products that have up to 0.3% THC to be legally sold. Even though this miniscule amount of THC doesn’t result in any psychoactive effects, the THC from these products could potentially be seen on a drug test.

The best way to ensure that you’re purchasing a CBD oil without any THC is by acquiring a product made with CBD isolate, exclusively from trusted and reputable producers

Broad-spectrum and full-spectrum CBD oils have to be avoided, since they both contain THC. 

In order to safely determine if a given product contains THC the consumer also needs to look for third party lab results on the company’s website.

These documents guarantee that the CBD products in question were inspected by an independent laboratory, and an extensive list of ingredients should be clearly stated on such reports. 

Another important factor is that some users experience sedation from CBD. This 2019 study surveyed 2,409 people who used CBD products, and found that 43 individuals (1.78%) felt sleepy after using CBD. 

This effect of course isn’t welcomed for professional drivers, as it can result in a potentially dangerous situation. 

All in all, the use of CBD oil seems like an unnecessary risk for truck drivers.