Can You Drive After Taking CBD Oil

Pondering whether using CBD oil can impair your driving ability is a completely reasonable concern, and in this article we’re going to cover all important facets related to this question.

The current scientific consensus is that CBD is a non-psychoactive compound, but it can produce certain side effects that can interfere with driving and make you less vigilant on the road. 

Another important aspect is that some CBD oils contain large quantities of THC. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the main psychoactive cannabinoid found in both hemp and cannabis, and its effects are known to impair judgement, motor function and reaction-time. 

Make sure you avoid full-spectrum CBD oils when you’re driving, as they contain large amounts of THC. Such formulations are legally available only in states with recreational cannabis programs. 

Most CBD oils contain THC in very miniscule amounts (less than 0.3%), and are commercially available across the US. THC levels are also important in relation to the law, which we’ll touch upon later on in the article. 

CBD oils that contain less than 0.3% THC most likely won’t impair your driving capability to any substantial extent, but some users experience drowsiness and mild sedation from large doses.

It’s important to understand that people have different tolerance levels to CBD oil. Before you attempt using CBD oil while driving, you should first determine how it affects you at the comfort of your home. 

Experiment with various dosages (20 mg, 40 mg, 60 mg of CBD) in order to figure out your limit, and to determine if any of these doses induce sedation.

Finally, since most CBD oils contain THC to some extent, you should also be familiar with the laws related to this cannabinoid for the state that you’re intending on driving in. 

Some states have stricter policies than others, and can have a zero tolerance policy for driving under the influence of THC.