What Does CBD Oil Taste Like


Many potential users of CBD oil can’t decide whether to buy the oil or not, mainly because they wonder how exactly CBD oil tastes, and whether they would enjoy it.  

That’s why today, we will try to answer this question and help you get a clearer picture of what CBD tastes like.

Before we start explaining what cannabidiol-infused oil tastes like, we first need to cover several factors that affect the flavor of CBD oil. 

Type of CBD extract, level of purity of CBD oil, and type of oil used as a carrier are all crucial factors that shape the final flavor of any CBD oil. 

People usually describe the flavor of CBD oil as earthy or grassy. But as we mentioned before, not all CBD oils taste the same. 

For example, some oils have a strong earthy flavor because they haven’t gone through a meticulous purifying process, and they contain many other ingredients of hemp (e.g. chlorophyll, waxes, cannabinoids, and terpenes). Other CBD oils (which were purified) have a much smoother taste. 

When it comes to the type of CBD extract that is used for making the oil, the taste of oil that was made with CBD isolate greatly differs from the ones made with full spectrum or broad spectrum CBD extract. 

CBD isolate doesn’t have a specific flavor, while full-spectrum CBD extract has a potent earthy and grass-like aroma. On the other hand, CBD oils made with broad-spectrum cannabidiol extract are somewhere in between, and they usually have a very mild flavor. 

Producers of CBD oil generally use olive oil and hemp seed oil as the base (carrier) oil. These oils also affect the taste of CBD oil. 

Hemp seed oil has a nutty flavor, so when you buy CBD products with this carrier oil you can expect a taste similar to sesame, sunflower seeds, and walnut.

Some producers also enrich the carrier oil with distinctive flavors such as coconut oil, which definitely doesn’t go unnoticed. 

If you’re looking for an oil with a specific flavor and aroma, today’s market offers a wide variety of interesting flavors and vibrant mixes, where you can find oils that taste like various fruits, or even vanilla and chocolate. 

Some users tend to avoid added flavors (mainly because these flavors can be artificial ingredients), and want to experience CBD oil in its natural form. 

The taste of CBD oil can sometimes be too potent and not very pleasant. In situations like these, there’s a simple trick which helps you to mask the flavor. Unleash your creativity and experiment with ingredients by infusing CBD oil with your favorite dessert or beverage. This way the flavor of the oil will be concealed, and you can enjoy your CBD dose in a delicious and yummy way.